Write Your Way to Success with E-Vision by Zoya Khan! For Registration, WhatsApp 03367286910

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Sentence and its Kinds

In this Lecture, We'll learn about the Sentence and its kinds. Sentence is a group of words which make a complete sense and it has two parts. The subject and the predicate.

There are four kinds of sentences. 
1) Declarative/Assertive Sentence 
2) Interrogative Sentence
3) Imperative Sentence
4) Exclamatory Sentence

1) Declarative Sentence: 
The sentence which makes a statement is known as Declarative Sentence. It can be affirmative (positive) or Negative statement. These sentences end with full stop. 
For Example:
I like vegetables. (Affirmative)
I don't like vegetables. (Negative)
2) Interrogative Sentence:
The sentence which asks a question is called interrogative sentence. These sentences end with a question mark.
For Example:
What is your name?
Where are you going?
3) Imperative Sentence:
The sentence which expresses a command or request is called imperative sentence. 
For Example:
Don't stop.
Be quiet.
4) Exclamatory Sentence:
The sentence which expresses strong feelings or emotions is called exclamatory sentence. These sentences end with exclamation mark.
For Example:
What a beautiful building it is!
Parts of a sentence
There are two parts of a sentence. 
1) Subject
2) Predicate

Subject is part which refers to the action doer/ performer. it can be a noun or pronoun.

Predicate is the part which tells something about the subject. 

For Example:
Sara is going to the school.

In this sentence, Sara is the subject and "is going to the school" is the predicate, which is telling us about Sara. What is she doing? 

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